Healthy Footnotes

6 Eco-Friendly At-Home Workouts

Wo,man ready for workout in her backyard


Physical activity  is full of benefits for our health and well-being. But you can break a sweat and stay fit at home while looking after the well-being of our planet, too. 

How, exactly, can squats and sustainability go hand-in-hand?

When you focus on eco-friendly exercises that utilize household items you already have, you can build a home workout plan that’s both creative and eco-conscious. By aiming for progress over perfection, you can start to pull your fitness goals closer within reach and reduce your carbon footprint by making small changes to your daily routine. 

Slide into your favorite pair of regular exercise or walking shoes for women (don’t worry, we also have walking shoes for men) and let’s get moving!

Eco-Friendly Strength Exercises

When it comes to eco-friendly at-home workouts, it’s best to start with what you have, namely: your body. The following exercises eschew excess equipment and can often be done from just about anywhere. So, when you’re worried about how to stay motivated to workout at home, it helps to have a readymade routine like this:1

#1 Squats

The basic squat is one of the best exercises you can do for your lower body as it targets multiple muscles including:2

To perform a basic bodyweight squat, follow these steps:3

You can start with sets of ten repetitions, although your ideal starting point may vary based on your current level of fitness. Once you’ve gotten the hang of this, you can add weight using dumbbells or a barbell if you have it. You can also try different variations, such as one-legged squats or a sumo squat (a wide-based with your feet pointed out).

The best part? You’ll likely only need gear you already have—yourself! Remember to keep a reusable water bottle by your side to stay hydrated and skip the single-use plastic to reduce your carbon footprint.

#2 Planks

If you’re looking for a full-body exercise that you can do anywhere, look no further than the plank. Even doing quick, 15-second planks can be a calorie-burning place to start your at-home workout routine. As for the muscles worked by a plank—which ones doesn’t it target? A plank helps to strengthen the:4

Performing the basic plank is simple:5

While your initial planks may only last for 10 or 15 seconds, you can work your way up to be able to sustain it over a longer period of time. 

You may also consider trying different variations. An incline plank is an ideal option for beginners whereas a plan with a leg lift will be a sweat-inducing challenge for more advanced practices.

#3 Pushups

Now that you’re equipped with both lower body and full-body exercises, it’s time to focus our attention on a classic upper body exercise: the pushup. With proper form, a pushup works many upper body muscles including:6

While a pushup works, primarily, to target your chest, back, shoulders, and arms, it can also have secondary benefits for your abs and lower body. To do a proper pushup, follow these steps:7

Again, how many pushups you can do will vary based on your fitness level. You may also need to start with a variation, such as keeping your knees in contact with the ground, while you build strength. 

Pro tip: Performing push ups on an exercise mat can help take off some of the tension in your wrists. No mat? No problem. Use what you already have by folding up a bath or beach towel—a perfect eco-friendly swap, if you’re in a pinch. 

Eco-Friendly Cardio Exercises

With a few strength-training activities out of the way, it’s time to switch gears to a more aerobic workout. These quick cardio exercises will benefit your stamina and your heart health if you work them into your at-home workout.

#1 Jumping Jacks

The jumping jack, where you jump off the ground while extending your arms and legs, is an effective way to get the heart pumping. Plus, it can be done anywhere at home (so long as your ceilings are high enough and your downstairs neighbors don’t mind a bit of rattling from above). As an added benefit, jumping jacks serve as an ideal warm-up before more high-intensity workouts.

#2 Burpees

If you’re looking for a bodyweight exercise that’ll really get your heart rate up, burpees may be just what you’re looking for. They combine some of the explosive jumping movements of a jumping jack with the strengthening qualities of a pushup to really get you going. To do a burpee:8

#3 Walk or Run

We’d be remiss if we mentioned all of these exercises without touting the benefits (for you and the earth) of a run or a walk. In addition to boosting heart rate and burning calories, running or walking can help you, emotionally, by reducing stress, releasing endorphins, and (if you’re not on a treadmill) getting you outside.9

No eco friendly fitness routine would be complete without some form of walking or running. But running can be tough on your feet, especially if your shoes are out of date and you need to recycle your sneakers. That’s why Vionic provides you with more than just a stylish pair of regular exercise shoes. Our collection of active footwear features podiatrist-designed orthotics to keep your feet feeling cushioned and supported as you take to the pavement. 

More Tips for an Eco-Conscious Workout

All the exercises we’ve mentioned today are eco-friendly because they can be completed with no equipment whatsoever. However, as you progress on your fitness journey, you may find that you want to add weights, treadmills, and other equipment back into your routine. How can you do that while staying eco-friendly? Here are some tips to keep in mind:10

Focus on Wellness and Planet with Vionic

By now, you’re equipped with plenty of tools to motivate yourself to workout at home—ones that not only look after your health but the health of the planet, too. While these are six exciting places to start, there are countless other exercises you can find as you progress so that your exercise routine continues to feel fresh and new.

At Vionic, we believe in support for your fitness journey and your comfort at home. Sometimes, that means giving you specific exercise ideas. Other times it might mean giving you the basics of exercise in general. We pride ourselves on being involved in more than just the business of supportive shoes (though we definitely have those, too!). We’re also in the business of supporting you with house shoes for men and women’s comfort slippers, ensuring your well-being extends to every aspect of your daily life.



  1.  Kamb, Steve. “The 8 Best At-Home Workout Routines: The Ultimate Guide for Training Without a Gym.” Nerd Fitness. 5 January, 2022. 
  2.  Chertoff, Jane. “What Muscles Do Squats Work?” Healthline. 23 May, 2019. 
  3.  Andersen, Charlotte. “40 Squat Variations You Need to Know.” Greatist. Updated 2 october, 2019. . 
  4.  Quinn, Elizabeth. “How to Do a Plank.” verywell Fit. 19 November, 2019. 
  5. Crichton-Stuart, Cathleen. “Which muscles do pushups work?” Medical News Today. 9 November, 2018. 
  6.  “How to Do a Push-Up.” The New York Times. .
  7. Fetters, Aleisha et mazzo Lauren. “How to Do a Burpee (the Right Way).” Shape. 14 june, 2021. 
  8. Fetters, Aleisha et Mahtani, Nikhita. “13 Benefits Of Running That’ll Convince You To Lace Up Your Sneakers, Stat.” Women’s Health. 31 August, 2020. 
  9. 10 Tips To Design Your Home Gym For Wellness.” Mache. 22 June, 2021. 
  10.  “Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Gym Equipment.” Green Business Bureau. 26 February, 2021. 
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