Healthy Footnotes

The Biomechanics of Standing

Standing in non supportive footwear on a hard, flat un-natural surface for any length of time can elicit discomfort in the feet, knees, lower back and even the neck. While many of us have experienced this pain firsthand, we don’t always think about the physiological reasons behind it. In fact, there are a few biomechanical explanations for how the act of standing can cause a chain reaction of pain throughout our bodies. When we stand on flat ground, our feet roll inwards (pronate) to gain ground contact. This act starts a series of postural compensations from our feet all the way up to our necks, as shown in the following image. Improve compromised posture due to overpronation by wearing orthopedic shoes by Vionic To avoid postural discomfort, start by wearing a more supportive shoe. Do not stand motionless for too long. Try standing on the outside of your feet (roll outwards) occasionally. This has the opposite effect of over pronating and can help in reducing compression in the lower back area. One excellent stance position is from the Ballet! It is called position #3. Placing the heel of one foot into the arch of the other and standing upright helps externally rotate the body relieving the effects of over pronation.

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