Healthy Footnotes

Boost your walking routine

Raise your hand if you’ve ever wished you were a runner. Keep it raised if you have attempted running, only to be left feeling discouraged.

The good news (ok, you can put your hands down) is: recent studies have shown that brisk walking is as beneficial for health as running. True story!

“Brisk walking is as good as running for reducing blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes risk — three key players in the development of heart disease, a new study finds.” –

You can read more about it here.

Now the question is, how can you get into that routine, brisk walking? This article from Family Circle has some great ideas to get you started.

Lastly, you can hold yourself accountable in your new walking endeavors through Orthaheel’s Walkabout 2013. It’s happening now! Challenge yourself to walk every day for 28 days for your own well-being. Now is as good a time as any to make healthy habits!

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