Healthy Footnotes

Celebrating International Women’s Day


International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.  With origins beginning in the early 1900s, International Women’s Day was celebrated for the first time by the United Nations in 1975.


This year, the theme for International Women’s Day (March 8), “Choose To Challenge,” asks us to think and discuss how we each plan to forge a gender equal world. “A challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change. So let’s all choose to challenge.”*


Women’s involvement and leadership in all areas of life drives progress for everyone. At Vionic, we would like to spotlight a member of our team who brings ingenuity and empathy to her role as Senior Manager of People & Culture: Krista Reid.



Describe the 3 characteristics about yourself that you believe led to your success in business. 


I am a true problem solver that comes to given task with an underlying empathy which informs the outcome and resolution. I have a relatively agile and creative mind. I always aim to overshoot any goal set for me.


How does your work positively impact women?  


Outside of work, I try to spend my time on activities like Girls On The Run that will help girls grow their self-confidence and support each other. Through work I have had the privilege of working with Dress for Success and Center for Domestic Peace both in fundraising and direct support of their clients. I believe that women who work and live in supportive and empowering environments can achieve absolutely anything, and I am thrilled to be in  one of those environments at Vionic!


What’s a daily or weekly ritual you have that contributes to your ongoing success?


Aside from lots of time spent with my family, my go-to routine always involves running. I run 4-6 times a week and on days I don’t run, I hike. Being outdoors and moving clears my headspace of all the junk that builds up and gives me the inner freedom to exhale. When I am in that state surrounded by nature, my filter of the world shifts and I can see both the beauty in the minutia and the splendid vastness of the sheltering sky. 


What is your favorite Vionic Spring/Summer style?


My fav style this season is the Simasa. It’s fun and sporty and perfect for remote work!








*information from 

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