Healthy Footnotes

Donating to Soles4Souls

At the end of every shoe season (there are two for us: Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter), we clear out our stock room of shoes from seasons past to make way for new styles. First, the samples are offered to any employees who would like to give them a good home. Lucky ladies who wear size 7 and gents who wear a size 9 enjoy rummaging through the boxes of left-over samples.

[Ronnette, our Key Account Assistant, and Alissa, our Accounting Analyst, check out the pile of women’s shoe and sandals before we donate the remaining pairs.]

The pairs of shoes and sandals left in the box at the end of the day are donated to a charity called Soles4Souls. Their mission is to collect new shoes to give relief to the victims of abject suffering and to collect used shoes to support micro-business efforts to eradicate poverty.

We’re quite happy to contribute to the cause. Our shoes mean so much to us! It’s a good feeling to know each pair can improve an individual’s quality of life – in any way possible!



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