Healthy Footnotes

Healthy Tips for the New Year | Vionic Shoes

Living a healthier lifestyle is a New Year’s resolution many of us try to keep in January. However, it can be hard to ditch those bad habits from the holidays and replace them with healthy habits! Whether your goal is to eat healthier, stay hydrated or exercise more, finding an effective daily routine is important for a healthy lifestyle. That’s why we’re sharing our top healthy tips for the new year so keep on reading if you’re interested in improving your health and well-being!


1. Stay hydrated.

Staying hydrated is extremely important for overall health and is one of the best ways to keep yourself refreshed and feeling good about your year and your life! The health benefits of staying hydrated include increased weight loss and better sleep. For these reasons, you’ll want to make sure you drink lots of water as a part of your daily routine.


2. Get moving.

Another great way to stay healthy is to plan some time for physical activity. This could mean walking more, taking the stairs, or even dedicating ten to fifteen minutes at work to stretch and move your body. You’re also going to want to keep your feet well-supported if you plan on staying active and burning off some of those holiday calories. You can do this by wearing a comfortable and supportive pair of shoes, similar to our Alaina Active Sneaker.  The last thing you need is to strain yourself while trying to achieve your long and short-term goals.


3. Relax and Breathe.

Taking the time to breathe and relax is another great way to reduce stress during the chaos of the new year! Without taking the time to unwind, stress can start to negatively affect your sleep, diet and impede progress with your healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet can also help reduce stress, so include essential nutrients in your diet and try to take ten minutes a day to breathe and relax. This will help calm any nerves and help you feel at ease with your day.


4. Get your rest.

You want to stay energized, which means you should make sure you get some extra rest! Sleep and diet are closely related, and improved sleep has been shown to increase weight loss. Whether this means going to bed a little bit early or taking some time to rest during your day, this will help you keep your energy levels up and your immune function at a maximum.


5. Unplug.

Technology is a time-sucker and sometimes, we can get carried away! For the New Year, try unplugging for one hour a day to journal, get outside, or to meditate. This is another way to help you feel refreshed and energized.  


Want more? Check out our latest post on 10 Reasons to Buy Supportive Slippers!  


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