Healthy Footnotes

Are Pedicures Hazardous to Your Health? | Vionic Shoes

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Today, explored the topic of pedicures and whether they stand to benefit or harm your foot health. Vionic Innovation Lab member Trevor Prior, a podiatric surgeon, weighed in on with his expert opinion and helpful tips to keeping your pedicure safe, sterile and enjoyable.

Check that they have appropriate qualifications/training and ask what method of sterilization they use for their equipment,” he says. “An autoclave (this is high pressure steam sterilization) is the best, although there should be at least chemical sterilization or the use of disposable instruments. One option is to buy your own equipment and take it with you.”

If you’re a pedicure addict but hate smudging your polish after a trip to the salon, try Vionic’s Relax slippers. They fasten across the top of the foot with a velcro closure, keeping your polish intact!

To read more pedicure expertise from Trevor Prior, click over to



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