Healthy Footnotes

Walkabout Whereabouts.

We’re two weeks into our 28-day quests for good health. Our Ambassadors have been walking up a storm, prioritizing their health and finding time to walk nearly every day.

Everyone should take the time to view Megan R.’s photographic blog. She loves walking with her four-legged friend. She’s got a sense of humor too, recently tweeting, “beer & girlfriends night out helps you walk really fast 2 miles downtown to the get the metrorail.”





Laurie C. paints a personal memory from her childhood, walking with her family as a child. She recalls, “Some of my best memories involve the smell of pine needles and Columbia Gorge trails along steep drop-offs.”



Faye H. took a stroll through Castle Park this weekend. She’s been trying out our Balance walkers. “I have enjoyed the Balance walkers, without the extra push to try out the shoes I might not have walked today.”



The stories have motivated us, humored us and even brought a couple tears to our eyes. Here are a couple more. Read on!

Colleen S. took her whole family to the Barrett Jackson Auction Show [at her husband’s suggestion, she jokes]. It was a day for the whole family and lots of walking!

Roberta W. went on a spiritual walkabout in honor of
Passover. “It seemed especially fitting to feel the sand give way under my feet—although the Hebrews didn’t have the benefit of my Orthaheel shoes as they trod the desert for 40 years.”

Naomi S. has us smiling from ear to ear with her review of our Rhythm walkers:
“My feet tend to pronate (I’m using the lingo!) inward as I walk but these shoes actually make me stand straighter and take a stronger, more definitive stride. Which, ostensibly, will make me want to walk longer and further. Not a bad thing, in my book.” Her blog is thoroughly entertaining!

Enjoy the reads! We hope you will find them as uplifting as we have. Until next time – step to it!

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