Healthy Footnotes

How to Effectively Clean Shoe Soles

How to Effectively Clean Shoe Soles

Shoe soles have journeyed with us since 8000 BC, from moccasin leather to today’s durable designs.1 They’ve always had one job: to protect your feet through thick and thin. Now, it’s time to return the favor.

So let’s get our hands dirty (well, not literally—we’ve got a Shoe Care Kit for that).

With just a few tools and a sprinkle of elbow grease, we’ll guide you through how to clean shoe soles easily and quickly.

Gathering Your Cleaning Supplies

Beyond appearance, cleaning the sole sustains your shoes’ life. 300 million shoes are thrown away yearly, and we don’t need to add to the pile.2 So, time for the roll call! Let’s line up the cleaning gear needed to make your soles sparkle for years.

With the right tools in hand, you’re all prepped. Now, we can lay the groundwork for pristine soles by taking care of the surface debris.

Prep Work: Removing Surface Debris

You know how chefs set the table before serving up delicious meals? Like cleaning shoe soles, it all starts with prep work. Before we can get to work, we’ll need to free the sole of heavy debris.

Here’s how:

With that formality out of the way, it’s time to choose your cleaning strategy.

Choosing the Right Cleaning Method

Before we get into how to clean soles of shoes, we need to pick the approach. Here’s a quick tour of the available armory:

With your perfect match of cleaner and shoe type, you’re all set. Next, we’ll roll our sleeves and dig into the step-by-step cleaning process.

Step-by-Step Cleaning Process

Alright, down to business. Here’s the straightforward path to making those soles look brand new again:

And just like that, your shoes are looking stellar. Now you can stride out and… wait, what’s that? A stain you weren’t able to scrub out? Keep reading!

Dealing with Stubborn Stains

Got a tough and clingy stain on your sole? No stress. Here’s the lowdown on getting it out:

Dab some stain remover that’s safe for your type of shoe right on that pesky spot. Grab a toothbrush or any small brush you’ve got and gently work the area in circles. You’re not trying to scrub it into oblivion—just light circles until you see the stain clearing up. When it starts to fade, take a damp cloth and wipe off any extra cleaner.

Remember, go easy and take your time. If that spot is stubborn, give it another go after the sole dries. Patience is your pal here.
With those tough stains finally out of the picture, let’s move on to the rinse and dry.

Rinsing and Drying Shoe Soles

You’ve scrubbed and scrubbed, and now your shoe soles are on the brink of looking as good as new. But we’re not done yet; it’s rinse and dry time. Let’s power through these last few steps and stick a bow on your brand-new footwear.

Now that your soles are squeaky clean and drying out, we’ll help you keep them that way (and we don’t mean leaving them in the closet). Up next, we’ve got some solid gold tips for preventative care.

Preventative Maintenance Tips

Consistent care for your daily troopers, especially those trusty wear-to-work shoes, means they’ll always be meeting-ready. Here’s how to keep your soles shining and cut down on clean-up time:

For that extra layer of care, slip in some orthotic insoles to keep your steps comfortable, and your shoes’ interior equally looked after.4

Keep these tricks in your back pocket, and your soles will stay slick with much less scrubbing. But not all soles are created equal, and neither is the dirt they meet. So, what’s the best care for different shoe types?

Cleaning Soles for Different Shoe Types

Different kicks, different tricks. Here’s how to keep each sole style in shape:

When it comes to the darlings of versatility—flats and loafers—a gentle cleaning routine will keep them clean on the daily grind.

In any case, if you cater to each sole’s character, they should stay lively for the long haul.

Next Steps in Shoe Care: Beyond Clean Soles

You’ve mastered how to clean the soles of shoes, and now they look top-notch. Congratulations, that’s no small feet—sorry, feat. (We hope you’ve started that celebratory bubble bath.)
At Vionic, we know the journey to tip-top shoe care doesn’t end here. For kicks that feel as good as they look, your next read awaits with our guide, “Sweat-Free Steps: Preventing and Managing Sweaty Feet in Shoes.” It’s packed with breezy tips to keep your feet dry and your shoes fresh.

And to help care for all of your shoes, new and old, keep a Vionic Shoe Care Kit on hand. From leather, to suede, to even the shoe footbeds, this kit has everything you need to scrub up those soles with confidence.



  1. “Shoe.” Britannica.
  2. Lickteig, Jane. “Engineering students’ projects keep shoes out of landfills” Wichita State University. 10 March, 2021.
  3. “The Degradation and Conservation of Leather.” Journal of Conservation and Museum Studies.
  4. Cornwall, Mark et al. “Footwear and Foot Orthotic Effectiveness Research: A New Approach.” Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy. 1 June, 1995.
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