Sports Injury Prevention

Vionic Shoes shares tips from the experts on how to prevent sports injury The Expert, Trevor Prior

Trevor Prior is a leading podiatric expert in the field of sports injuries, diabetic foot complications and surgery. He has worked extensively with elite athletes in a wide range of sports, including soccer, hockey and rugby. Prior currently resides in the UK.

Prior’s Quick Tips for Sports Injury Prevention

There are a number of factors to consider when trying to avoid sports-related injuries, which all too frequently prohibit exercise and diminish overall bodily fitness.

  • Ensure proper fit. In a vast majority of cases shoes are worn too small, which can cause a number of issues including intense pain and discomfort.
  • Wear different shoes for different sports and activities. While some shoes have multiple uses, it is generally advisable to have shoes specific to each activity.
  • Maintain appropriate conditioning. It is extremely important to maintain flexibility and ensure balanced strength to minimize the risk of injury.
  • Pay attention to symptoms. The onset of symptoms such as the tightening of muscles during activity often signifies an increased risk of muscle strain. If a muscle starts to tighten then you should stop the activity, stretch and resume exercise lightly.
  • Listen to your body. Understanding that there can be daily variations in your ability to exercise and respecting your limitations will significantly reduce the risk of injury.

For more information on leading expert, Trevor Prior, visit his biography at the Vionic Innovation Lab. 

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